Benchmarking Reburning in iLand

Part One in a Series on iLand benchmarking

Using terra to quantify overlaps in fire perimeter rasters
Spatial Data Analysis

May 28, 2024


June 2, 2024

What are the patterns of reburning in iLand?

As part of my NSF Postdoc fellowship, I’ve been working on modeling herbivores in iLand using the biotic disturbance model BITE. In particular, I want to understand if biotic disturbances generally (and herbivores specifically) can interact with fire such that they modify forest composition or forest carbon at a landscape scale.

The following analysis started as an aside: I wanted to filter my simulation results to find modeled stands regenerating after fire so that I could compare age-growth relationships to those found in exclosure and other empirical studies of herbivory.

Fire output in iLand

Determining which fires in iLand were stand-replacing

First, I need to determine which fires in my iLand run were “stand-replacing” -

The fire output in iLand produces a table of each fire, shown below.

year fireId area_plan_m2 area_m2 iterations coord_x coord_y n_trees n_trees_died basalArea_total basalArea_died psme_died avgFuel_kg_ha windSpeed windDirection
6 1 9355921 9359200 95 7390 8810 1106699 1064982 2388.6883 2298.610 0 39755.37 17.67204 187.2722
11 2 10613320 10667600 105 18030 23030 535890 514951 2157.1445 2067.686 0 55101.33 16.16441 254.2023
18 3 66038024 66571200 256 20110 11130 9971141 8522890 62771.2287 53269.425 0 43763.40 12.09752 197.0730
37 4 13235234 13236000 105 16010 8770 1722762 1362931 15451.4867 11253.633 0 40959.27 23.64123 268.0712
49 5 62118545 62408800 249 7630 2990 6223445 4654781 82294.3472 55315.312 0 45441.38 23.28553 235.8422
79 6 153096650 153714800 383 4110 14530 13023363 9126662 219533.7647 126019.528 0 43652.15 13.33987 254.2933
93 7 1258524 1277600 34 22990 13390 141322 99230 2471.1608 1493.027 0 29401.03 11.58742 200.6049
101 8 17526161 17739600 129 1450 14410 517573 397160 6548.2361 2715.915 0 32069.33 27.12384 260.0029
113 9 23251611 23413600 151 15850 6210 1705366 1193239 34838.5227 19189.206 0 42169.49 25.58756 233.4567
115 10 1981966 2008400 39 1210 13970 66117 50832 683.4222 229.551 0 16211.83 15.73365 239.5789
127 11 24433818 24488400 151 1970 19310 1130352 896409 15474.3118 8279.242 0 51011.59 13.86956 257.5287
128 12 3461822 3543600 60 6130 6090 520249 365378 7815.2903 4422.803 0 19316.17 18.26541 228.5157
155 13 42209881 42216000 242 530 14930 3168223 2320287 51250.5543 23932.379 0 38331.30 24.37498 207.2945
170 14 30183070 30241600 158 5810 20370 1348460 1133645 19465.7227 11652.611 0 55874.93 15.20795 216.0514
186 15 3774943 3904400 56 4230 7330 280457 190965 5742.5958 2823.583 0 36889.62 16.33519 263.5800
186 16 14987103 15212000 109 4130 13010 1636544 1228222 23955.1826 9779.148 0 24929.67 29.18820 191.5560
192 17 6080132 6218400 75 19730 3030 556809 391779 11443.7747 5326.691 0 29748.50 12.43170 240.7054
196 18 82774479 82817600 279 8770 5230 6073521 4301367 126098.1813 62908.374 0 35699.13 13.31725 183.1845
205 19 42031808 42087200 211 7830 22150 1186354 971450 18140.2053 8789.391 0 54178.54 24.14464 190.5515
206 20 4759821 4852800 72 14530 14770 292863 223986 5391.1960 2530.305 0 40919.96 22.24638 188.9378
209 21 27161911 27330000 161 10550 7650 2228298 1700506 24846.2545 11125.712 0 22243.74 11.80762 219.2560
229 22 86507214 86949600 319 1650 7350 8545906 6381659 114956.2688 54858.865 0 35720.83 24.34829 214.7623
255 23 6448735 6564000 73 21630 10610 407364 325927 6143.1676 2588.093 0 38903.49 11.11992 232.8224
273 24 74646095 74958000 259 6330 5730 9639587 7044859 129629.1524 70688.719 0 29775.69 11.04457 205.9398
288 25 12147746 12311200 111 14110 4930 691252 496647 14124.9318 5887.714 0 42145.70 17.91752 257.8751
290 26 61986520 62263200 235 6130 7250 13305606 10319713 92403.2798 47632.022 0 16508.43 27.38842 235.8599
291 27 6288371 6466800 81 21630 7530 417439 322173 6507.2185 2719.114 0 40083.61 25.11454 264.0305

There’s two ways to represent fire severity using this output: the proportion of trees killed within each fire, and the proportion of basal area killed. Those two metrics are distinct in slight yet important ways - a fire might kill all trees in a young stand but if the trees themselves were small, the impact on basal area won’t be terribly large. Or, a fire might kill only the largest/oldest individuals in a stand, thus impacting carbon greatly in a way that wouldn’t show up using just proportion of trees killed. Here, since we’re interested in how forests are regenerating, I’ll focus on instances where fires killed all trees, but I’ll show both for the sake of it.

# drop the fire years where there was no burn
  fire <- fire[fire$area_m2 > 0,] # no fire years with no burn
  length(unique(fire$fireId)) # how many fires occurred across the simulation?
[1] 27
  fire <- fire %>% 
    mutate( # how many trees were killed?
              prop.dens.killed = n_trees_died / n_trees, 
            # what basal area was killed?
     = basalArea_died / basalArea_total) 
      fire$[fire$basalArea_total == 0] <- 0 # set to 0
      fire$prop.dens.killed[fire$n_trees == 0] <- 0

However, there’s one challenge with this. Here’s the percent of stems killed across fires:

Figure 1: Percent of stems killed across fires

And here’s the percent basal area killed across all fires:

Figure 2: Percent basal area killed across fires

You’ll notice neither metric shows values that are completely equal to 100%. At first this seems like a problem, right?1

  • 1 none of our fires were stand-replacing??

  • This is an important nuance of the iLand fire output - n_trees_killed and basalArea_died are aggregated across the entire fire. Cells within the fire may have experienced full canopy mortality, but since we’re working with averages, it’ll be very very rare (if not impossible) for a stand to have 100% of stems killed across the entire fire.

    Saving additional fire output

    I’ll need more detail, and thankfully there’s a fun way to solve this - by adding a javascript file to the scripts folder, you can add code that tells iLand to save raster files of the perimeter of each fire with additional information. Some options of things to turn on include:

    • crownKill: fraction of the crown killed within a burned resource unit (see wildfire ).
    • diedStemsFrac: fraction of killed trees within a burned resource unit
    • diedBasalArea: basal area (sum over resource units) of burnt trees.
    • KBDI: Keetch Byram Drought Index (see wildfire ).
    • baseIgnition: base probability of an annual fire ignition event for a cell on RU level (depending on fire-return-interval and average fire size)
    • fuel: burned fuel (forest floor + dwd) kg/ha
    • combustibleFuel: “available combustible fuel (current KBDI, forest floor + dwd) kg/ha
    • nFire: cumulative count of fire events on a resource unit2
    • lastFireYear: simulation year of the last fire event on a RU
  • 2 Breaking the forth wall: discovered this output while putting together this quarto document. In future runs, I’ll turn this on and avoid some of the steps described later in the document to filter out reburns

  • 3 Note that this is trees killed within burned resource units, not saplings. It still works for our purposes for a few reasons:

    1. The likelihood that saplings survive in a burned resource unit where all trees are killed seems low (but I can go ahead and check later on)
    2. Since I’m interested in height-growth relationships, I’ll be filtering out saplings with ages older than the time since fire for the resource unit, so I should catch any that slip through (again, even if they do)
  • For this analysis, I’ll stick to diedStemsFrac - the number of trees killed within a resource unit3. First, you need to add a function into your iLand model to tell it to save the extra output.

    The code to do so is the following:

    function afterFireProcessing() {
       var praefix = Globals.year;
       var pid=;
       // save the form of the fire in ESRI raster format
       // save a file for each fire
       Fire.grid("diedStemsFrac").save('output/dead/dead_'+ pid +'.txt')

    Add this in to a javascript file within the Scripts folder in your iLand folder ecosystem, and enable <management> under </model> in your project file. Now, if you set up a “dead” folder in your output, a raster of values of stems killed will save after each fire.4

  • 4 To track other items from the list of variables above, call a new Fire.grid() within the afterFireProcessing function and give it a unique save destination

  • In order to filter our sapling output by the cells that experienced canopy-replacing fire, I can filter not only by the rasters (the footprint of the fire), but by the value of diedStemsFraction variable within each raster pixel (which represent resource units in the iLand landscape).

    The function rast() from the terra package (Hijmans 2023) creates a SpatRaster object, a object type in R that can represent multi-layer or multi-variable raster data. Here, the object fire_maps is a three-dimensional raster - the first two dimensions are the x and y axis of our iLand landscape and the third dimension is 27 layers of fire perimeters (one for each fire within the simulation). Each pixel within that raster represents an individual resource unit from the iLand landscape and contains a value from 0 -1, representing diedStemsFrac.

    Hijmans, Robert J. 2023. “Terra: Spatial Data Analysis.”
    class       : SpatRaster 
    dimensions  : 239, 255, 27  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
    resolution  : 100, 100  (x, y)
    extent      : 462504.2, 488004.2, 7215242, 7239142  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    coord. ref. :  
    source      : fire_maps.tif 
    names       : dead_1, dead_10, dead_11, dead_12, dead_13, dead_14, ... 
    min values  :      0,       0,       0,       0,       0,       0, ... 
    max values  :      1,       1,       1,       1,       1,       1, ... 
    nlyr(fire_maps) # 27 layers, one for each fire
    [1] 27
    dead_1 dead_10 dead_11 dead_12 dead_13 dead_14 dead_15 dead_16 dead_17 dead_18 dead_19 dead_2 dead_20 dead_21 dead_22 dead_23 dead_24 dead_25 dead_26 dead_27 dead_3 dead_4 dead_5 dead_6 dead_7 dead_8 dead_9
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    I can call on each of those 27 layers to examine the fire perimeters one by one. For example, this is the fire perimeter from the first fire in the simulation:

    Figure 3: Fire Perimeter of first fire in spin-up simulation. The color gradient represents diedStemsFrac as a value from 0 to 1.

    I’ll use these rasters to determine which resource units experienced stand-replacing fire5, and use those resource unit IDs to filter the sapling and tree data.

  • 5 Which I can now define more specifically as diedStemFrac = 1

  • Note

    An aside: this run is a spin-up simulation - I ran iLand, initializing forests from an empty landscape6 in year 0, and simulated forest growth and fire over 300 years. This seems to be the sweet spot for simulation runs - at year 300, it’s a landscape full of a mix of mature, regenerating and recently burned stands, just as we’d observe in real life. Since fires that occur early in the spin-up inherently burn young stands, it’s not terribly representative of the relationship between height and age in regrowth that I want to eventually compare to the herbivore-impacted relationship. So, I’ll filter to just the last 100 years of the simulation.

  • 6 An aside to the aside (meta!!) - it’s an empty landscape in the sense that there are no trees in year 0, but I do initialize using a soil organic layer that varies heterogeneously across the landscape. This isn’t just to represent real life for real life’s sake - initializing from truly empty (truly bare ground) causes totally different patterns of forests. As has been shown in decades of work in Alaska by Jill Johnstone and others, soil organic layer filters forest community composition in really critical ways, allowing spruce to outcompete species like birch and aspen which can’t persist in thick soil or moss layers for as long.

  • Note

    Question: what determines the initial heterogeneity in the SOL when initiating from bare ground using the permafrost module? (technically it’s the moss layer heterogeneity in year 0 that introduces the SOL heterogeneity in year 1 - where do those initial values come from?)

      # filtering to last 100 years of fire
      fire100 <- fire %>%
        filter(year >200)
      length(unique(fire100$fireId)) # How many fires in the last 100 years?
    [1] 9
      # dropping layers from fire raster
      fire_maps100 <- subset(fire_maps, 
                             paste0("dead_", fire100$fireId))

    A quick (haha) aside: Reburns

    you can take the girl out of the Reburn PhD, but you can’t take the Reburn PhD out of the girl

  • 7 what makes it narrow is the historic fire return interval for this system was somewhere between 100-300 years (Kelly et al. 2013)

    Kelly, Ryan, Melissa L. Chipman, Philip E. Higuera, Ivanka Stefanova, Linda B. Brubaker, and Feng Sheng Hu. 2013. “Recent Burning of Boreal Forests Exceeds Fire Regime Limits of the Past 10,000 Years.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (32): 13055–60.
  • Even within the relatively narrow window of 100 years7, reburning occurs within the model! Here’s the footprint of all fires in the last 100 years of the spin up - you can see there’s some considerable overlap, or reburning.

      # setting background to NA to make transparent
      fire_mapsNA <- subst(fire_maps100, 0, NA) # need to do this anyways but now it'll let us stack
      plot(fire_mapsNA[[2]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsNA[[3]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsNA[[4]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsNA[[5]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsNA[[6]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsNA[[7]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsNA[[8]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsNA[[9]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)

    Figure 4: All fire perimeters from the last 100 years of the spin-up simulation.

    Determining overlap between rasters using the terra package

    Since for this analysis I’m interested in the relationship between height and age, I’ll need to filter out stands that burned shortly8 after preceding fires - a disturbance pattern which would definitely impact age-height relationships. I’ll need to figure out where the overlaps actually occur, so I can exclude the corresponding resource units from the sapling and tree data later. I’ll do this process in two ways: 1) by looking at the physical overlap between the entirety of the fire perimeters, 2) by looking only at the overlap between high severity fires.

  • 8 Typically, “short-interval” fire in the boreal is defined as 50 years or less between fires (Buma et al. 2022). Since I’m looking across a window of 100 years, I’m assuming everything that reburns in that 100 years is “short-interval” - I haven’t looked to see if there’s resource units that burn in year 1 and reburn in year 99, and maybe I’ll do that down the line, but right now I don’t want to bother.

    Buma, B., K. Hayes, S. Weiss, and M. Lucash. 2022. “Short-Interval Fires Increasing in the Alaskan Boreal Forest as Fire Self-Regulation Decays Across Forest Types.” Scientific Reports 12 (1): 4901.
  • The intersect() function in terra is useful for checking overlap, but only takes two rasters at a time:

    overlap <- terra::intersect(fire_mapsNA[[1]],

    Figure 5: Overlap between first two fires

    Turns out, the best way I’ve found to quickly check which rasters overlap actually involves terra’s mosaic() function:

    # split all the layers into a list
    mapList <- terra::split(fire_mapsNA, 1:nlyr(fire_mapsNA))
    # turn list into SpatRaster Collection
    mapSPC <- terra::sprc(mapList) 
    # merge values across layers
    reburn <- terra::mosaic(mapSPC, fun = "sum") # can apply a number of functions (mean, etc)

    Figure 6: Using mosaic() to collapse layers

    Yay!! Okay!! Now, if I set all the values of the layers to 1, I’ll end up with a raster of number of fires.

    perim <- fire_maps100 > 0 # exclude unburned values
    # setting all values to 1 regardless of diedStemFrac
    perim <- subst(perim, TRUE, 1, others = NA) # everything else NA
    # split all the layers into a list
    perimList <- terra::split(perim, 1:nlyr(perim))
    # turn list into SpatRaster Collection
    perimSPC <- terra::sprc(perimList) 
    # merge values across layers
    nFire <- terra::mosaic(perimSPC, fun = "sum")

    Figure 7: Reburn history

    yay!! Now I can filter by the value of nFire to get the specific resource units that burned and eventually exclude them for the analysis.

    What about fire severity?

    Now, I can introduce one more layer: in theory, we9 often expect reburns (or fires that burn into existing fire perimeters) to occur at diminishing severity. Depending on the window between fires, fuel availability may limit combustion in reburns. Based on that logic, are there overlaps between stands that burned at high severity?

  • 9 we, the royal fire ecologists

  • # filter to just stands with high severity
      # cells with diedStemsFrac = 1
      fire_mapsHS <- subst(fire_maps100, 1, 1, others = NA)
      plot(fire_mapsHS[[2]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsHS[[3]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsHS[[4]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsHS[[5]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsHS[[6]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsHS[[7]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsHS[[8]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)
      plot(fire_mapsHS[[9]], add = TRUE, legend = FALSE)

    Figure 11: High severity fires

    Obviously less area there. Is there any overlap?

    # split all the layers into a list
    hsList <- terra::split(fire_mapsHS, 1:nlyr(fire_mapsHS))
    # turn list into SpatRaster Collection
    hsSPC <- terra::sprc(hsList) 
    # merge values across layers
    nFireHS <- terra::mosaic(hsSPC, fun = "sum")

    Figure 12: Times each resource unit has burned at high severity

    Okay. Pretty sparse, but technically there’s still resource units that burned completely both times.

    nfireHS2 <- subst(nFireHS, 2, 1, others = NA)

    Figure 13: Resource Units that burned twice, each time high severity
    # what RID burned twice at HS?
    nfireHS2rid <-, nfireHS2))
    # how many resource units?
    [1] 8
    # so, what %?
    (length(unique(nfireHS2rid$env.grid)) / domain) *100
    [1] 0.01312659

    I’m curious about the years that burned twice at high severity. What’s the interval between them?

    To get back to years, I’ll have to use the list of RIDs to find fireID in the fire_maps object, and then use fireID to look in the original fire output from iLand. Essentially, retracing our steps. I’ll start by converting the object containing resource units that burned twice at high severity (nfireHS2) back to a polygon, so I can use terra’s extract() function to pull information from fire_maps.

    nfireHS2poly <- terra::as.polygons(nfireHS2)

    fire_mapsHS2 <- terra::extract(fire_maps100, nfireHS2poly)
      ID dead_19 dead_20 dead_21   dead_22 dead_23 dead_24 dead_25 dead_26 dead_27
    1  1       0       0       0 0.9005525       0       1       0       1       0
    2  1       0       0       0 0.8333333       0       1       0       1       0
    3  1       0       0       0 0.8809524       0       1       0       1       0
    4  1       0       0       0 0.9444444       0       1       0       1       0
    5  1       0       0       0 0.8918919       0       1       0       1       0
    6  1       0       0       0 0.9545454       0       1       0       1       0
    # drop ID column
    fire_mapsHS2 <- fire_mapsHS2 %>%
      select(!ID) %>%
      select(where(~ any(. != 0)))
    dead_22 dead_24 dead_26
    0.9005525 1 1
    0.8333333 1 1
    0.8809524 1 1
    0.9444444 1 1
    0.8918919 1 1
    0.9545454 1 1
    0.0000000 1 1
    0.0000000 1 1
    # 18 reburned 19
    # 18 reburned 20
    # 23 reburned 27
    # 25 reburned 27
    fireHS2 <-  fire %>%
      select(c(year, fireId)) %>%
      filter(fireId %in% as.numeric(str_sub(colnames(fire_mapsHS2), -2))) 
    # A tibble: 3 × 2
       year fireId
      <int>  <int>
    1   229     22
    2   273     24
    3   290     26

    Now, I want to use the row id numbers from the fire_mapsHS object to filter out rows in the sapling and stand output that burned at high severity. The following code loops through each of the fire maps, extracting the resource unit ID numbers, the fire ID and the fire year (which come from the default fire output) and compiling into a dataframe, fireID. What fraction of the landscape burned at high severity? (ie, how many resource units?)

    fireID <- data.frame()
    for (i in 1:nrow(fire100)) {
      # Skip fires that burned nothing
      if (fire100$area_m2[i] > 0) {
        mask <- fire_mapsHS[[paste0("dead_", fire100$fireId[i])]]
        # Use the mask to extract the rids for burned grids
        burned_rids <-, mask))
        burned_rids= burned_rids%>%filter(!
        burned_rids$fireID = fire100$fireId[i]
      fireID = rbind(fireID, burned_rids)
    fireID = fireID %>% rename("rid" = env.grid, "fire.year" = year)
    # how many unique resource units are there?
    domain <- ncell(env.grid) # dimensions are 239 by 255 
    # how many resource units burned at HS?
    [1] 622
    # so, what %?
    (length(unique(fireID$rid)) / domain) *100
    [1] 1.020592

    So, only about 1% of the landscape burned at high severity across the 100 year simulation window. (Though, technically that would be an underestimate since it doesn’t take into account the resource units that reburned).

    Session Info

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